Copyediting sample 59:
Medical risks

Ensuring consistency in general was paramount here. The copyeditor might not know which of the inconsistent treatments is correct (if either) but should query the author to resolve the problem.

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Medical Risks

There is a lot of information about routine medical screening for persons with Down syndrome. Unfortunately, these individuals are at increased risk for a number of conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism). As a guide to families and caregivers, the American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) and Cohen (1999) have published guidelines for schedule of routine supervision. Lott and McCoy (1992) advocate a screening schedule. The following has been adapted from their recommendations as well as from Van Allen, Fung, and Jerenka (1999).…



American Academy of Pediatrics. (2001). Health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 107, 442-449.

Burt, D. B., Loveland, K. A., & Lewis, K. R. (1992). Depression and the onset of dementia in adults with mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 96, 502-511.

Cohen, W. I. (1999, Sept.). Health care guidelines for individuals with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 4.…

Udwin, O., & Dennis, J. (1995). Down syndrome. In G. O'Brien & W. Yule (Eds.), Behavioural Pheonotypes (pp. 105-109). Cambridge, England: MacKeith Press.

Van Allen, J. I., Fung, J., & Jurenka, S. B. (1999). Health care concerns and guidelines for adults with Down syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 89, 100-110.

Warren, A. C., Holroyd, S., & Folstein, M. F. (1989). Major depression in Down's syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 202-205.…


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Medical Risks

There is a lot of information about routine medical screening for persons with Down syndrome. Unfortunately, these individuals are at increased risk for a number of conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism). As a guide to families and caregivers, the American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) and Cohen (1999) have published guidelines for schedule of routine supervision. Lott and McCoy (1992) advocate a screening schedule. The following has been adapted from their recommendations as well as from Van Allen, Fung, and Jerenka (1999). ["Jurenka" on page 87.]



American Academy of Pediatrics. (2001). Health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 107, 442-449.

Burt, D. B., Loveland, K. A., & Lewis, K. R. (1992). Depression and the onset of dementia in adults with mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 96, 502-511.

Cohen, W. I. (1999, Sept.). Health care guidelines for individuals with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 4.…

Udwin, O., & Dennis, J. (1995). Down syndrome. In G. O'Brien & W. Yule (Eds.), Behavioural Pheonotypes (pp. 105-109). Cambridge, England: MacKeith Press.

Van Allen, J. I., Fung, J., & Jurenka, S. B. (1999). ["Jerenka" on page 63.] Health care concerns and guidelines for adults with Down syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 89, 100-110.

Warren, A. C., Holroyd, S., & Folstein, M. F. (1989). Major depression in Down's syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 202-205.…


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Medical Risks

There is a lot of information about routine medical screening for persons with Down syndrome. Unfortunately, these individuals are at increased risk for a number of conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism). As a guide to families and caregivers, the American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) and Cohen (1999) have published guidelines for schedule of routine supervision. Lott and McCoy (1992) advocate a screening schedule. The following has been adapted from their recommendations as well as from Van Allen, Fung, and Jurenka (1999).…



American Academy of Pediatrics. (2001). Health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 107, 442-449.

Burt, D. B., Loveland, K. A., & Lewis, K. R. (1992). Depression and the onset of dementia in adults with mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 96, 502-511.

Cohen, W. I. (1999, Sept.). Health care guidelines for individuals with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 4.…

Udwin, O., & Dennis, J. (1995). Down syndrome. In G. O'Brien & W. Yule (Eds.), Behavioural Pheonotypes (pp. 105-109). Cambridge, England: MacKeith Press.

Van Allen, J. I., Fung, J., & Jurenka, S. B. (1999). Health care concerns and guidelines for adults with Down syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 89, 100-110.

Warren, A. C., Holroyd, S., & Folstein, M. F. (1989). Major depression in Down's syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 202-205.…



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