Copyediting sample 66:
The HelpClub numbers in Europe

For English-speaking readers (and even most international audiences), country names should be anglicized. A list of such countries should generally be in alphabetical order. There should be a consistent convention for indicating phone numbers.
Note: The author of this piece was not a native English speaker. He very much appreciated the heavy commentary that explained my thinking behind the many suggested revisions. The highlighted comments elucidated for him many of the subtle peculiarities of American English.

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[ The HelpClub numbers in Europe (original) ]

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[ The HelpClub numbers in Europe (markup) ]

Sometimes all the problems cannot be resolved with a single copy editing pass. Here an in-house editorial assistant has promised to look into the inconsistent phone-number conventions and to check for accuracy.
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[ The HelpClub numbers in Europe (result) ]


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